Welcome to the tranquil spot on the web where we talk ponds.
Works and Days
August 1 — December 1
Theatre of Operations
October 1 — December 1
The Life I Deserve
August 1 — December 1
From Signac to Matisse
October 1 — December 1
“All of a sudden I had the revelation of how enchanting my pond was.”
Claude Monet
Having started with a small pond barely 200 litres, We bought too many fish. As a result we lost most to a Heron one day, so we bought some more and the talk of a larger pond started, it remained as just that talk until we lost a fish to jumping out of its cramped quarters and this upset us and we realised we had failed to provide them with a large enough safe home.
The pond construction started withing the week of loosing that fish. This leads us to where we are today, is it finished well as a pond owner the answer will always be no to that. What we have created is a modest 2500 litres.